
What we do

What we do

Curriculum development

We are researching to develop a practical conflict management approach tailored to the African context, based on the realities of today with communication adapted to African values, patterns, concepts and ideologies


Training of peace weavers

We organize the Training of Trainers capacity building workshop equipping our beneficiaries with tools and skills in combating hate speech online and offline while training other youths. Upon carrying out pass it on activities, they become a part of the community of peace weavers.

Our Executive team is working on creating and running the Xhuma Africa center for compassion

At the center, our beneficiaries will practice love for humans, trees, plants and living organisms creating a safe space for peaceful coexistence in an effort to reconnect youths back to nature and learn peace building from other living things.

We promote self-reliance economic activities

We believe that education, and self-employment gives people an inner strength to lead a better life. We organize trainings on income generating activities to economically empower survivors of structural violence and make them self-reliant. 

Alternative Peace Education

Peace education activities promote the knowledge, skills and attitudes that will help people either to prevent the occurrence of conflict, resolve conflicts peacefully, or create social conditions conducive to peace.

Core values of nonviolence and social justice are central to peace education. Nonviolence is manifested through values such as respect for human rights, freedom and trust. Social justice is realized by principles of equality, responsibility, and solidarity.

Our interventions include nonviolence, conflict resolution techniques, democracy, gender equality, human rights, environmental conservation, communication skills, coexistence, and tolerance of diversity. 

Peace education can be delivered to people of all ages, in both formal and informal settings. At Xhuma Africa, our target group are young people. 

The minds of young people are targeted and radicalized  before recruitment as combatants in conflicts around the world. Young people are both actors and victims of societal violence. We are channeling the energy of young people to work for peace than violence.  To create public dialogue different factions of society are often brought together in peace education programmed – these typically include civil society groups, schools, tribal leaders and the media. Yet due to the many areas covered by peace education, initiatives are primarily determined by culture and context, as well as by the projects’ scopes and objectives.

Peace education and peacebuilding are therefore intrinsically linked. The UN’s actions for peacebuilding include education as one of its principle components. For peacebuilding initiatives to remain sustainable it is vital that attitudes towards war and violence are transformed and translated into long-term behavioral change which seek alternative solutions to armed conflict.


Our engagements in peacebuilding activities

A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradise


Facilitating Capacity building sessions in Peacebuilding

Capacity building workshop on conflict management in Bamenda
Human investment with our beneficiaries cleaning the city of Garoua

Connecting the dots (the story of my life)

   My childhood dream was to become a lecturer. But in 2017, a civil war broke-out in Cameroon. I was kidnapped on my way to the University and tortured by rebels for two weeks. Later, I became a teacher in Sub-Saharan Africa. Here I experienced poverty, hunger, lack of water, religious intolerance and terror attacks by Bokoharam. Connecting the dots, I understood the strong link between climate change and civil war.